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Canadian Alums kick off chapter in style

2016-12-26T13:35:29-05:00Categories: Events, Latest News, Messages, School Information|Tags: , , , , |

An interim body of the  North Ruimveldt Secondary School Alumni was formed on Sunday 18th October, 2015.  Here are the names of the officers: Andre Wiltshire - President, Maurice Coppin - Secretary, Phyllis Andrews - [...]

NRMSS Alumni Collaboration In Atlanta Memorial Weekend 2015.

2016-12-26T13:35:39-05:00Categories: Blog, Latest News|Tags: , , |

On May 23, 2015, NRMSS Alumni Association collaborated with Georgetown United/5-Star Promotion, an Atlanta-based Caribbean non-profit organization that includes two of our fellow alums, Andre Richards and Neraun Knights.  They hosted a family fun day [...]

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