
Canada Alumni meeting – April 16th 2016

2016-06-18T18:32:02-04:00Categories: Blog, Latest News|

North Ruimveldt Multilateral Secondary School Canadian Chapter will be meeting, on Saturday 16th April, 2016. Please share with anyone who attended Multilateral. Venue:  3330 Lawerence East Toronto. Time: 4p.m. Contact: Andre Wiltshire Email: [email protected] Cell: (905)598-5359 [...]

NRMSS Alumni Collaboration In Atlanta Memorial Weekend 2015.

2016-12-26T13:35:39-05:00Categories: Blog, Latest News|Tags: , , |

On May 23, 2015, NRMSS Alumni Association collaborated with Georgetown United/5-Star Promotion, an Atlanta-based Caribbean non-profit organization that includes two of our fellow alums, Andre Richards and Neraun Knights.  They hosted a family fun day [...]

Election Results

2014-05-07T22:29:58-04:00Categories: Blog, Latest News|Tags: |

Congratulations! Here are the results of the US chapter Elections: President: June Persaud Vice President: Audrey Edwards Secretary: Sonya Chase-Rodney Asst. Treasurer: Debra Scantlebury Treasurer: Karen Skinner Asst. Secretary: Gillian Harding Public Relations Officer: Desiree Liverpool Directors: Samuel John, Mark Johnston, Nalini Singh-Lindsay Our next online [...]

New Election Campaign

2014-05-07T22:13:08-04:00Categories: Blog, Latest News|

US Chapter of the NRMSS Alumni Association Nominations Process: Send an email to: [email protected] with your name or the names of individuals along with the position of interest Positions: President Vice-President Secretary Assistant Secretary Assistant [...]

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