Thank You
On behalf of the Executive Committee and Directors, I extend heartfelt thanks to everyone who took the time out of their Saturday schedule to attend our AGM on Saturday, June 19, 2020, and to share [...]
Karen2016-12-26T13:35:29-05:00Categories: Events, Latest News, Messages, School Information|Tags: Alums, Canada, Canada Alums, Canada chapter, Canadian|
An interim body of the North Ruimveldt Secondary School Alumni was formed on Sunday 18th October, 2015. Here are the names of the officers: Andre Wiltshire - President, Maurice Coppin - Secretary, Phyllis Andrews - [...]
Karen2016-12-26T13:35:39-05:00Categories: Latest News, Messages|Tags: latest News, messages|
Karen2016-06-18T17:35:57-04:00Categories: Latest News, Messages|
On behalf of the NRMSS Alumni Association, I thank you for attending our Dinner and Dance. We hope you enjoyed the evening as much as we enjoyed your company. Thanks for supporting our vision. We [...]
Karen2016-12-26T13:35:40-05:00Categories: Latest News, Messages, School Information|
The North Ruimveldt Secondary School has been the bedrock of educational institutions for thousands of individuals worldwide. This institution has churned out doctors, nurses, politicians, lawyers, public service officials and sportsmen/women of world renown. Over [...]
Karen2016-06-19T03:33:38-04:00Categories: Blog, Latest News, Messages|Tags: alumni reunion 2014, antun's, nrmss alumni, reunion|
On behalf of the NRMSS Alumni Association, thank you for attending our Dinner and Dance last night. We hope you enjoyed the evening a much as we enjoyed your company. Thanks for supporting our vision. [...]
Karen2016-06-18T19:52:47-04:00Categories: Latest News, Messages|
In keeping with our commitment to restore our alma mater to its former glory, we as an association keep in touch with the administration. The link below is an excerpt from the Principal Ms. Joseph. With [...]
Karen2016-06-18T19:55:05-04:00Categories: Latest News, Messages|Tags: Graduation 2013|
Important Meeting at the school on 1st October, 2013 @ 16:00 hrs. N.R.M.S (Secondary)Graduating Class of 2013 and their parents is invited to an Important Meeting at the school on 1st October, 2013 @ 16:00 [...]
Karen2016-12-26T13:35:50-05:00Categories: Messages, School Information|Tags: NRMSS Fundraising|
North Ruimveldt Multilateral Secondary School Alumni Association. 52 Queens Avenue Elmont, NY 11003, August 27, 2012. My fellow alum, three years ago we started a journey to give back to our high school. Over [...]