Last year former Head Prefect and current Director Samuel John visited the school. He saw they were in need of some supplies for the sick bay and made an appeal to the good nature of our alumni. Supplies collected were : Lysol Sprays, Gauze, Alcohol Prep Pads, Aspirin, Bandages, Bacitracin Ointment, Pain Relief Cream, Pain Pills, Twin Sheet sets, boxes of Gloves and disposable bibs and clips.
The supplies are enroute to Guyana, and will be presented to the school by our local chapter there. On behalf of the executive committee, I would like to thank the following alumni’s for their donations: Mary Samaroo, Renita Duesbury-Tyler, Laurie and Renay Talbot, Audrey Fredericks Edwards, and Margaret Butts.
Thank you guys.
Karen Skinner, Treasurer