Public Relations Update:
Some of the executives visited the school accompanied by engineers to obtain an estimatefor resurfacing the court located at the back of the auditorium. The court measured 120 feet x 70 feet. We are awaiting the estimate from the engineer. Once obtained, the estimate will be presented to the headmaster and his staff for the initial approval, then further submission to the Ministry of Education for final approval.
We also visited the playfield at the back of the school. Worked has commenced and this project is being financed by the Ministry of Education. The project was reborn under the leadership of Past President Michael Benjamin and his executives. The field is being resurfaced and a stand will be erected on the northern end of the ground. In coversation with contractor Rupee and Engineer Deo, they disclosed an estimated time of completion time of September 2016, before the school’s annual inter-house championship. The also promised that the ground will be leveled to encourage kite flying by friends and families of the school.
The President and his executives, through the Games Committee chaired by Brentnol Nedd and Phillipa Valley along withthe Events Planning Committee under the chairmanship of Orin Walton and Hazel Nurse, will propose to the school’s administration and the PTA to make the inter-house championship the biggest ever. We would like to involve old students who excelled at athletics, namely, Samuel John, Janice Inniss, Arthur Gibbs, Orin Walton, Ronald Quentin, George Cumberbatch, Gillian Wyles, Gregory Wyles, Renita Duesbury, Rawle Myers, Roseanne Edwards, Marcia Benthan, Gavin Hope, Courtnay Hubbard, Samuel Ince, John Henry, June Griffith and many others.