Past Events

Canada Alumni Meeting – April 16th 2016

Windies Restaurant 3330 Lawrence Ave E, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

North Ruimveldt Multilateral Secondary School Canadian Chapter will be meeting, on Saturday 16th April, 2016. Please share with anyone who attended Multilateral. Venue: Windies Restaurant, 3330 Lawrence Ave E, Toronto, ON M1H 1A7, Canada Time: 4 p.m. [...]

Caribana Celebrations with Canadian Alumni

Caribana Fever (Hangout) Unit 123-90 Wingarden Crt, Scarborough, Canada

Lets go to Caribana Celebrations with Canadian Alumni Caribana Fever (Hangout) July 29th, 2016 @ 6pm. Lock in this date and event. Contact: Maurice: 416 903 2743 Andre: 905 598 5359 Keon: 416 602 3509 Phyllis: [...]

NRMSS Alumni Association – 2020 Graduation

Congrats to the Class of 2020! Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the students were unable to participate in a live graduation ceremony. We congratulate them for their outstanding performance. The US Chapter awarded the top [...]

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